Once the user selects the required Site, the Topology screen opens. This screen lists all the devices deployed on the selected site.
Click the Update Site Name icon to edit the Site name.
Click the Update Device Name icon to edit the Device name.
The screen shows information such as:
Device Name
DID - Device ID
EOS Version
Konnect Status
Last Seen - Last seen date and time
Connect to Portal - Link to connect to the Edge Portal
Config Manager: Please refer the below Config Manager section and its dedicated help page.
Upload Configuration:
Select Upload Configuration icon to apply a new configuration to the selected device from the list of available configurations.
Select the required configuration from the dropdown list in the Select Configuration field.
Click the Upload Now button.
Download Configuration:
Select the Download Configuration icon to take a manual backup of the configuration existing in the selected device and store it.
Enter a name for the backup in the Config Name field.
Click Download Now button.
EOS Reboot:
Click EOS Reboot icon to reboot the configuration of the selected device.
Config Manager
Please refer the below help page for more information about Config Manager feature:
Please refer the Config Manager help page given above for more information about the Logs section.