The Deployed screen shows headers with the following information:
Registered – Number of devices registered across all the sites in the selected organization or sub-organization.
Warehouse – Number of devices yet to be registered and deployed across all the sites in the selected organization or sub-organization.
Below the headers, the table shows the current list of devices that are deployed in the selected organization or sub-organization.
The table displays the below information:
Site – Name of the Site in which device is deployed.
Organization – Name of the Organization to which the site belongs to.
Device Name – Name of the device.
EOS Version – The software version of EdgeOS when the last backup was taken.
S/N – Serial Number of the device.
Last Seen – The date on which the device was last online
Reg. Date – The date on which the device got registered for the site. This is the date from which the first plan is active for the device.
License Exp. Date – The expiry date of the license for the device. This can be monthly or yearly. The connection has to be renewed for the device before this date passes.
Uptime Since – The date on which the device was last turned on.
Saved Config – The Software configuration running on the device.
Move to Warehouse - Click Move to Warehouse icon to move the device back to the warehouse.
Click Yes in the pop-up to confirm moving the device to the warehouse.
Change Organization – Click Change Organization icon to change the organization of the device and the entire site that the device belongs to.
o The Change Organization dialog box opens.
In the Set Organization field, select the new organization from the dropdown menu.
Click Apply button to the change the organization of the device and its site.
Upload Configuration – Click Upload Configuration icon to modify the configuration of the device.
The Upload Configuration dialog box opens.
It shows the Site name and Device name.
In the Select Configuration field, select the required configuration from the dropdown menu.
Click Upload Now button to confirm modifying the configuration of the device.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
Download Configuration – Click Download Configuration icon to take a backup of the current configuration and save it.
The Download Configuration dialog box opens.
It shows the Site name and Device name.
Enter the Config Name.
Click Download Now. The configuration backup will be saved under the Backup Configuration table in the CM tab.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
Click EOS Upgrade icon to update the EOS.
Click the SEARCH field to search for the device based on the Site/Organization/Device Name/Serial Number.
Clicking the Site or S/N of the device directs the user to the Topology page of the device.
When there are many devices to be listed in the Deployed table, the pagination helps the user navigate to each page by using the < > buttons.
Click the dropdown menu given at the left of the pagination buttons to choose the number of devices to be seen in a single page. The user can choose between 10/15/20/25/30/50/75/100 from the dropdown menu.
Click Download icon to download the entire deployed device list in PDF format.