The Warehouse screen shows a table that lists the devices that are yet to be registered. These devices are yet to go Live. Once these devices are shipped, received by the user, and the installation is complete, they can assign them to any site and register them.
Click the Warehouse tab. The list of all available devices displays in the table below.
The table displays the below information:
Organization – Name of the Organization to which the site belongs to.
S/N – Serial Number of the device.
Proposal ID
Shipment Date
Slip ID
Tracking ID
To register a device to an Organization and Site, click the Register icon. The Register Inventory dialog box opens.
In the Select Organization field, select the required organization from the dropdown menu.
Next the user has to select the site. A Site is a Vessel, Store, Car, Truck, etc. where the Edge System will remain present and can reliably be identified by the management. Multiple Edge nodes can be in a single Site. The options here are to use an existing Site or add a new Site.
In the Create/Search Site field, type the name of the required site.
Select the site from the list of existing sites in the system.
To add a new Site, enter the name of the site and click Add.
This will create a new site and assign the device to that site.
Select the Term from the dropdown menu.
In the Apply Default Config field, select the Yes radio button to apply the default configuration for that site.
Select the No radio button to let the device continue in its current configuration.
Select the Other radio button to select any configuration from the list of available Backup Configurations taken and stored by the user.
In the Select Configuration field, select the required configuration from the dropdown menu.
Click Register button to assign the device to the selected site.
Once assigned, the device gets moved from the Warehouse tab and is displayed under the Deployed tab.
Click Cancel button to cancel registering the device.
Click the SEARCH field to search for the device based on the Serial Number.
When there are many devices to be listed in the Warehouse table, the pagination helps the user navigate to each page by using the < > buttons.
Click the dropdown menu given at the left of the pagination buttons to choose the number of devices to be seen in a single page. The user can choose between 10/15/20/25/30/50/75/100 from the dropdown menu.