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Paywall Configuration

Paywall feature can be used to enable the captive users to buy the plan according to their need. To use the Paywall feature, the Planset must be created in the Portal tab. Once the Planset is created, this can be associated with the user when creating the user in the Users tab. This process should be done by the Admin in the Admin Portal.

Plans Tab

1. Create the Required Plans

  • Select the Add New Plan button from the Plans tab.


Add New Plan

  • Enter the required plan details such as Plan Name, Quota and Duration.

  • In the Payable Plan field, select the Yes radio button. Only the plans configured as Payable plans can be added in the Planset.

  • In the Price field, enter the required price of the plan.

    • If the plan should be free of cost, enter 0 in the Price field.

  • Click Submit button to save the plan.

  • Create all the required plans that should be displayed to the user as their options.

2. Creating Planset

  • Select the Portal tab from the Captive Access Network Homepage.

  • Select the Plans Page option from the side bar to create the Planset.

  • Set the Welcome Message. The welcome message will be displayed in the Available Plans tab for the Paywall enabled organizations.

  • Set the Post Login Page Message. This message will be displayed when the user successfully logs in into his account. The admin can view the preview of the setup in real-time in the right panel.

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Plans Page

  • The Plan(s) - for Admin created Users section is used to create the Planset that can be associated with the Admin Created Users. This feature can only be used by Paywall enabled organizations. Planset enables the user to buy the plan according to their need. Once a Planset is created, this can be associated with the user when creating the user in the Users tab.

  • Enter a Name for the Planset.

  • In the Plan(s) field, select the plans that should be displayed to the user as their options. Only the plans configured as Payable plans will be allowed to be added in the Planset.

  • When multiple plans are selected, all the selected plans will be shown to the user while logging in and the user can buy the plan of their choice.

  • The Plan(s) - for Self Sign Up Users section is used to create the Planset that will be associated with the Self Sign Up Users. This feature can only be used by Paywall enabled organizations. Planset enables the self sign up user to buy the plan according to their need. Once a Planset is created, the plans part of the planset will be shown to the self sign up users as options automatically when they login to the User Portal.

  • In the Plan(s) field, select the plans that should be displayed to the self signed up user as their options to buy. Only the plans configured as Payable plans will be available in the dropdown menu.

  • When multiple plans are selected, all the selected plans will be shown to the user while logging in and the user can buy the plan of their choice.

  • Click the Save button to save the configurations.

Users Tab

1. Admin Created User

When creating a user from the Users tab, select the name of the Planset in the Select Plan field.


Add User


Select Planset

  • Click Submit to save the changes.

  • Now when the user logs into their account, they will have the option to buy any one of the plan from the selected Planset.

2. Self Sign Up User

  • When a self sign up user logs into their account, they will have the option to buy any one of the plans that the admin has already configured for Self sign up users.

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