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Group Actions

  • Click the Group Actions tab. This tab enables the user to group their devices and perform operations on them easily.

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Group Actions

  • Click the Create Group button to create a new group.


Create Group

  • Enter the Group Name.

  • Select the Organization from the dropdown menu.

  • Select the required devices from the dropdown menu.

  • Click Create button to create the group.

  • The groups created for the selected organization will be listed under the Groups table.

  • The table shows the following information:

    • Name - Name of the Group

    • Organization - Name of the Organization

    • Created On - The date and time of group creation

    • Updated On - The date and time of group updating

    • Devices - The name of all devices part of the group




Edit Group

  • Click the Edit image-20240820-152500.png icon to open the Edit dialog box.



  • Enter the Name of the group.

  • Edit the Devices by selecting from the dropdown menu.

  • Select Update button to save the changes.

EOS Upgrade

  • Click the EOS Upgrade image-20240822-143839.png icon to upgrade the EOS of the devices of the selected group.

  • Click Proceed button to confirm updating the software version.


  • Click Delete icon to delete the selected group.

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