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Firewall - Hub

This feature of the Hub system is not yet released. Development in progress.

To configure the firewall, perform the following steps.


  • Select the Firewall option from the Configuration Wizard screen.



  • Click the image-20241126-130627.png icon. The Add New Firewall Rule section appears.

Add New Firewall Rule

  • To enter data in the respective fields, see table below.



Rule Name

Enter the unique name of the rule. The name can include alphanumeric and special characters.


In the Protocol list, click one of the following protocols that apply to the rule.

  • Any. This indicates that any protocol will apply to the firewall rule. By default, Any protocol is available. If user selects Any protocol, then they cannot specify the port number range.

  • TCP. This is a reliable and connection-centric communication protocol.

  • UDP. This is the transport layer protocol. The UDP is unreliable and does not establish a connection before the data transfer.

  • Management. This indicated that the management protocol will apply to the firewall rule. When the user selects the Protocol as Management, the fields in the Add Rule dialog box changes as show in the below figure.

Management Protocol

  • Select the required Management Interface.

  • The details entered under Management Interface, Subnet IP will be taken and stored as the Source IP / Subnet.


In the Interface field, click the source device to which the rule is applicable.

To apply the rule to entire WANs and networks, click All Networks.

IP / Domain /Subnet

Enter the IP Address of the device for which the rule is applied or Domain Name of the device for which the rule is applied or Subnet.


Enter the From Port number. The Ports can be given as a range. For example: 0-65535.


In the Interface field, click the destination device to which the rule is applicable.

To apply the rule to entire WANs and networks, click All Networks.

IP / Domain /Subnet

Enter the IP Address of the destination device for which the rule is applied or Domain Name of the destination device for which the rule is applied or Subnet.


Enter the To Port number. The Ports can be given as a range. For example: 0-65535.


Click one of the following action:

  • Allow. To allow the firewall settings, click Allow.

  • Deny. To deny the firewall settings, click Deny.

  •  Click Save.

The rules are displayed under the Firewall Rules section, see figure below.


Firewall Rules

  • If multiple rules are added, then the drag icon is displayed. By default, highest priority is assigned to the top rule and the priority decreases down the rule list. However, user can prioritize the rule by using the drag icon.

  • If the user allows the firewall rule, then Allow is displayed under the Type section.

  • If user deny the firewall rule, then Deny is displayed under the Type section.

Modifying Firewall Rule

To modify the firewall rule, perform the following steps.


  • Click Pencil icon corresponding to the firewall rule is to be modified, see figure below.

Firewall Rules List

  • The Edit Rule section appears, see figure below.

Edit Firewall Rules

  • Click Save.

  • The rules are displayed under the Firewall Rules section, see Figure Firewall Rules List.

Disabling Firewall Rule

By default, the firewall rule is enabled.

To disable the firewall rule, perform the following steps.


  • Click Enabled toggle button corresponding to the firewall rule is to be modified, see figure below.

Enable/Disable Toggle Firewall Rules

  • The Disable Firewall Rule pop-up window appears, see figure below.

Disable Firewall Rule Pop-up

  • Click Confirm.

The firewall rule is disabled.

Enabling Firewall Rule

The user can enable the disabled firewall rule.

To enable the firewall rule, perform the following steps.


  • Click Disabled toggle button corresponding to the disabled firewall rule. The Enable Firewall Rule pop-up window appears, see figure below.

Enable Firewall Pop-up

  • Click Confirm.

The firewall rule is enabled and implemented.

Deleting Firewall Rule

To delete the firewall rule, perform the following steps.


  • Click Delete icon corresponding to the firewall rule is to be deleted, see figure below.

Delete Firewall Rule Icon

  • The Delete Firewall Rule pop-up window appears, see figure below.

Delete Firewall Rule Pop-up

  • Click Confirm.

The firewall rule is deleted.

Resetting the Number of Packets

To reset the number of packets, perform the following steps.


  • Click Reset in the Number of Packets section, see figure below.

Resetting the Number of Packets Icon

  • The Reset Counters pop-up window appears, see figure below.

Reset Counter Pop-up

  • Click Confirm. The entire counter is reset.

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