The Availability tab by default shows a summary of Availability of WAN sources across the filter selection, and a historical bar chart of Availability by WAN type.
It also shows headers with the following information:

Availability - Headers
Starlink – The total availability % of the Starlink WAN Source. The number of Online links out of total links is also shown below.
Cellular – The total availability % of the Cellular WAN Source. The number of Online links out of total links is also shown below.
VSAT – The total availability % of the VSAT WAN Source. The number of Online links out of total links is also shown below.
LBand – The total availability % of the LBand WAN Source. The number of Online links out of total links is also shown below.
The Availability pie chart shows the availability % of different WAN sources. Hovering the cursor on any item on the pie chart highlights the WAN source and shows the availability of it in GB.

Click the WAN/SITE Toggle button to view the pie chart and bar chart based on the different sites of the organization.
All the blue highlighted text in the Availability screen is clickable. It can be the name of a WAN source or Site. Clicking it filters the entire screen and displays the availability information corresponding only to that WAN source or Site.
This section also shows a bar chart that displays the availability % of the WAN sources at different time instances. The horizontal axis contains the time instances, and the vertical axis contains the availability %. The graph between these two axes gives the user a clear understanding of how the availability % has changed over the given time period.
Click Line chart icon to view the chart in line format.
The Sites section shows a table that lists all the sites under the selected organization and their availability %. The Table shows the following information:
Site – Name of the Site.
Overall - Overall availability % for the site.
Starlink – Starlink availability % for the site.
Cellular – Cellular availability % for the site.
VSAT – VSAT availability % for the site.
LBand – LBand availability % for the site.
Click the dropdown given below the Sites heading to change the number of sites displayed in one page. The pagination helps the user navigate to the next page by using the < > buttons or click the dropdown menu to move to the intended page.
Click Download to download the table data in CSV format.