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WAN Profiles

While the EdgeOS System is installed on the site, a default WAN Profile is created with the priority of the enabled WANs configured in this WAN Profile and assigned to the default Access Network. However, user can create multiple WAN profiles  of their choice.

WAN Profile Types

There are multiple profile options available, such as Strict Priority, Bonding and Advanced Bonding.

Strict Priority

This is a configuration where WAN links are arranged in a priority order where there is never more than one WAN link for a given priority.


It is possible to configure any individual VLAN, subnet or even device in a way that the Internet traffic that entity is carried by more than one WAN link, based on conditions. This feature is called bonding, and the set of WAN links is called the ‘bonded set’. Within WAN profiles, if any priority levels contain more than one WAN link, then those links in that priority level form a bonded set. It should be noted that, should any one link in a bonded set fail, while new TCP or UDP sessions would be assigned to one of the surviving links of the bonded set, any sessions currently using that failed link will be lost.

Advanced Bonding

This is a special case of bonding where, if one of the links in a bonded set fails, any existing TCP or UDP sessions over it will be seamlessly diverted to another link in the same set. This type implements link bonding of WAN links based on advanced proprietary algorithm. The implementation considers link speed estimates, which is also determined using an advanced proprietary algorithm. It also uses latency measurements to augment or even replace re-weighting based on speed estimates.

Enabling Advanced Bonding

On top left of the WAN Profile screen, Advanced Bonding Enable/Disable buttons are available, see figure below. By default, Advanced Bonding is disabled. Advanced Bonding is a licensed feature and is available with only US Internet features.

Therefore, to enable this, user must ensure that the license of the Advanced Bonding is available for the site.

Advance Bonding

Creating a new WAN Profile

To create a WAN profile, perform the following steps.

  • Click Next on the Access Networks page or click WAN Profiles. The WAN Profiles page appears, see figure below.

WAN Profile

Initially, the Default WAN profile is available. User can create multiple profiles. Once, the profiles are configured, the profiles become available on the WAN Profiles page. They can associate the WAN profile with Access Networks.

  • To create a WAN Profile, click + Profile. The Profile Name field becomes available under the Create Internet (WAN) Profile section. To enter data in the respective fields, see table below.



Profile Name

Enter the name of the profile.

Disabled WANs

Disabled WAN sources are displayed.

Set Priority of Enabled WANs

Highest Priority

To assign WAN links/Interfaces to a priority level, perform the following steps.

Note: Only Interfaces enabled on the Interfaces tab will be visible on the WAN Profile screen.


Drag and drop the WANs available from the Disabled WANs section to the respective priority section. More than one WAN (similar or dissimilar type) can be associated with a single priority. In this case, these WANs will be bonded.


Note: Interfaces/WANs for which Probe Configuration Profile is set to Always Up or High Cost cannot be bonded with other Interfaces/WANs.

Link Bonding can be set to Static or Dynamic. By default, the link bonding type is Dynamic, in which case the system distributes the traffic on each WAN link based on performance. In Static Setting, a configured % of traffic is set for each

WAN link. For details of the types of link bonding, point to i icon next to the Link Bonding. The user can configure the weighting % of the WAN link.


To configure the weighting %, perform the following steps.


  • Click Dynamic under the link bonding section. The Bonding Mechanism pop-up window appears, see Figure Bonding Mechanism .

  • Click Static. The Weighting % (applicable for Static Bonding) section becomes available. The Bonding Mechanism pop-up window appears, see Figure Static Bonding Mechanism.

  • Enter the weighting % for the WAN links. User must ensure that the sum of the weighting % for all WAN links must be 100%. Below is an example of the like WAN links bonding.

    User can configure 40 as the weighting % for the Cell 1 and 60 as the weighting % for the Cell 2. As, sum of both weighting % (40 + 60) = 100.

    Below is an example of the unlike WAN links bonding.


    User can configure 40 as the weighting % for the VSAT1, 30 as the weighting % for the Cell 1, and 30 as the weighting % for the Cell 2, hence the sum of weighting % (40 + 30 + 30) = 100.


  • Click Done. The WAN Profile is created and updated in the left table. In case of trying to bond WANs with probe configuration profile set to ‘Always Up’ or ‘High Cost’, an error message is displayed, see Figure Error Message.

Priority 2

Refer to Highest Priority

Priority 3

Refer to Highest Priority

Priority 4

Refer to Highest Priority

Lowest Priority

Refer to Highest Priority

Table WAN Profile

Bonding Mechanism

Static Bonding Mechanism

Error Message

Once the WAN link is assigned to the priority levels, the server will verify the network based on the priority levels. As an example, the user can set the following priority levels of enabled WANs for Owner Profile.

Highest Priority – Ethernet

Priority 2 – Cell1 and Cell2

Priority 3 – VSAT 1 and VSAT 2

Initially, the server will verify whether the Ethernet network is available as the Ethernet is assigned the highest priority. If the Ethernet network is available, then the internet connection will be established through this network. Otherwise, the server will verify whether the Cellular network is available as the Cellular networks are assigned the priority 2 level. The process will continue up to the priority level configured.

The server will distribute the traffic based on the weighting % configured for the WAN links.

  • Click Save.

WAN profile is configured successfully and visible on the table listing on the left. The WAN profile will become available while configuring the networks, see figure below.

WAN Profile Creation

Editing a WAN Profile

To edit a WAN profile, perform the following steps.


  • Click on the WAN Profile to be edited.

  • The WAN Profile appears on the right section.

  • The user can edit the profile name or WAN priorities.

  • Click Save to profile.

  • The WAN Profile is successfully saved.

Deleting a WAN Profile

To delete a WAN profile, perform the following steps.


  • Click on the WAN Profile to be deleted.

  • Click Delete button on top right or bottom.

  • Click OK to confirm the deletion operation, see Figure Delete Profile.

  • The WAN Profile will be deleted from the system.

Delete Profile

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