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CAN - Users

  • Click Users tab from the Captive Access Network Homepage to open the Users screen.

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The different sections of the Users screen are explained below:

Selecting the Organization

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Select Organization

  • Select the dropdown menu at the top right corner of the screen to select the required Organization or sub-organization. The logged in admin organization is populated by default here. This is the organization corresponding to the email ID used to login.

  • The dropdown list consists of all the sub-organizations under logged in admin organization. The admin can perform actions on users and plans of sub-organizations.

Users Screen Buttons

The functions of the buttons available above the Users table are explained below:


Buttons and their Functions

Search User

The Search field can be used to search for the user based on the User Name/Email Address.

Add User Account

  • Click Add User Account button to add a new user.

  • The Add New User dialog box opens.


Add New User - Credentials

  • Enter the Username. This field is mandatory and should be unique.

  • Enter the Email ID. This is an optional field.

  • The Admin can create a new user account with or without providing a password.

    • If the Admin wants to create an user account with password, enter it in the Password field. The Admin must then share this password with the user. Refer section Admin Created Users (With Password) in the User Portal Configuration for more details.

    • If the Admin wants to create an user account without password, skip the Password field and move to the next step. These user accounts can create their own password when logging into the User Portal for the first time. Refer section Admin Created Users (Without Password) in the User Portal Configuration for more details.

  • In the Select Site Access field, select the sites that the user needs access for. Select All Sites to give the user access for all sites under the selected Organization.

  • In the Select Plan field, select a plan from the dropdown menu.

  • Description of the selected plan contains the Quota, Policy and Validity of the plan.

  • Click Submit button to create the user.

Bulk Upload User Accounts

  • Click the Bulk Upload User Accounts icon to add/create multiple users at a time.

  • The Bulk Upload User Accounts dialog box opens.


Bulk Upload User Accounts

  • Click Download icon to download the template. The User Account Details template downloads as a CSV file.

  • Open the template and fill the user details in the given format. Refer the below screenshot of the downloaded CSV template with example user details.

  • Username is a mandatory field. Email, Password and Plan Name are not mandatory fields and can be left blank. If entered, Plan Name must match the name of an existing plan. If a Plan Name is not provided, the user account will be created without any plan. If a Password is not provided, the user will be prompted to set up their own password on first use.

Add Users Template

  • Click Upload to upload the user accounts. Select the updated CSV file from the system and upload it.

  • Click Save button to update the uploaded details in Portal.

  • If the uploaded CSV file consists of any errors, for example, duplicate entries of username, the errors are listed in the popup and file cannot be saved. Therefore, make sure to fill the details in the correct format without any errors.

Global Settings

  • Click the Global Settings icon to update the self sign up configuration, Global Account Expiry Timer which is applicable for all the self sign up an admin created users to be created under that organization.

  • The users can sign up and create their own accounts by themselves using the Self Sign Up function. Self Sign Up details should be configured in the Admin Portal in order for the user to perform self sign up from the User Portal.


Self Sign Up Dialog Box

  • Enable Self Sign Up by Users? - Select Yes in this field to enable Self Sign Up. Once enabled, the user will be provided the option in Captive Portal to sign up.

  • Admin Approval of accounts required? - Select Yes in this field to restrict the signed up users from accessing internet without admin approval. Only when the admin approves, they can login and access internet. Select No to allow the user to sign up and access internet without admin’s approval.

  • Set Account Expiry Duration? – Select Yes to set an account expiry duration. User can choose to either provide an account expiry or no expiry on the self signed up user account.

  • Access To Single Site? - Select Yes to configure only single site access for the self signed up users. Select No to allow the self signed up users access all the sites. The Admin can change the accessible sites anytime by editing the user access.

  • Enter the duration in Account Expiry Duration field. Select the unit from the dropdown menu as Days/Weeks/Months. By default, the account expiry duration is set to 7 days. This field will be disabled if no expiry on user account is chosen.

  • In the Plan field, select the plan to associate with the self signed up users. The drop down consists of the existing plans in the system. The selected plan is applied to the self sign up users when their account is successfully signed up.

  • Select Sign Up Information button to set sign up fields which will be populated on the user sign up screen.

Sign Up Information

  • By default, Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number are provided in the information. If the Type of the Email Address is chosen as either Mandatory or Optional, admin can enter the domain field.

  • Enter the required Domain values in the Domain field. This field is optional. Comma separated values provided in the Domain field are used to validate the email address entered by the user during the Self Sign Up of the user. The email address entered by the user will be considered valid only if it includes the value entered in the domain field.

  • For example, refer the below image. The values k4, k4mobility are entered in the domain field. Therefore, the email address entered by the user during Self Sign Up must contain k4 or k4mobility as domain for it to be considered valid.


  • Click Add Field to add any fields. For example, Passport Number.

  • Select the Type for that field from the dropdown menu. The type of these fields can be either Mandatory, Optional or Not In Use.

    • Select Mandatory to make that field mandatory during user sign up.

    • Select Optional to make it an optional field.

    • Select Not In Use to not populate that field during user sign up.

  • Click Delete icon to delete a field. Newly added fields apart from default ones can be deleted.

  • Click Save button to save the Self Sign Up configuration. The saved configuration takes into effect immediately with the subsequent Self Signed Up users. Previously created user accounts will not be affected. Refer section Self Sign Up Users for more information on creating user accounts using Self Sign Up process.

Global Inactivity Timer

  • Click the Inactivity Timer icon to set the global inactive time. The user will be logged out if there is no activity on their device for this period of time. This time period is defined as Global inactive time.

  • The Set Inactivity Timer dialog Box opens.

Set Inactivity Timer

  • Select a Duration from the dropdown menu.

  • Click Submit button.

Download Session Report

  • Click the Download Session Report icon to download session report for all the users.

    • Enter the Start Date and End Date to generate the session report.

    • Click Generate PDF button. The session report for the given dates is downloaded as a PDF file.

  • Clicking the three dots icon opens a Logout button. Click Logout button to logout from the Administration Portal.


  • The pagination helps the user navigate to the next page by using the < > buttons.

  • Click the dropdown given next to the Pagination to change the number of users displayed in one page. The user can choose between 10/25/50/100/150/200 from the dropdown menu.

Users Table

  • The Users table displays detailed information of all users for the selected organization.

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Users Table

  • It displays the below information:

    • User Credentials – Name of the user followed by the user Email.

    • Organization – Name of the organization.

    • Plans Purchased – Count of number of plans purchased by the user. Number of plans purchased by the user cannot exceed 12.

    • Current Plan - Name of the current plan.

    • Plan Start Date – Start date of the plan. Date on which the user logged in first time.

    • Plan End Date – End date of the plan, calculated as the Plan Start Date + plan validity or set by the admin.

    • Remaining Quota – Value of the quota remained out of assigned quota.

    • Remaining Daily Limit – Value of the remaining daily usage limit and remaining time limit.

    • Currently Logged In – Indicates whether the user is currently logged in or not.

      • Y’ – If user is logged in.

      • N’ – If user is logged out.

Users Table - Actions Column

The Actions buttons in the User table are explained below:


Actions - Users Table

View Session Details

  • Click the View Session Details icon under the Actions column to expand the device table that displays details of the devices used by the user for login. The device table displays the following information:

  • IP Address – IP address of the device.

  • MAC Address - MAC address of the device.

  • Host Name – Host name of the device.

  • Site Name – Site name associated with the device.

  • Quota Used – Consumption of data by the device.

  • Last Activity – Duration between the time of last activity on device and the current time.

  • Click View Session Report icon under the Actions column to expand the session table for the device. The session table displays the following information:

    • Session ID – Unique ID of the session.

    • Start time – Time at which the session begins.

    • End Time – Time at which the session ends.

    • Total Duration – Duration of the session. For an ongoing session duration is displayed as “Ongoing”.

    • Quota Used - Consumption of data for each session.

Edit User

  • Click Pencil icon to open the Edit User dialog box.

  • The admin can edit the Username, Email ID, Password, update the user’s current plan or add a new plan as an upcoming plan. This option will not be available for self signed up users.


Edit User

  • In the Select Site Access field, select the sites that the user needs access for. Select All Sites to give the user access for all sites under the selected Organization.

  • To update the user’s current plan, select Update Current Plan.

  • In the Select Plan field, select a plan from the dropdown menu. Description of the selected plan contains the Quota, Policy and Validity of the plan.

  • Enter a new Plan End Date.

  • To add a new plan as an upcoming plan, click Add New Plan.

  • In the Select Plan field, select a plan from the dropdown menu.

  • Click Submit button to save the changes. On expiry of the current plan, the new plan will become applicable.

View Plans

  • Click Plan Details icon to open the Plan details section.

  • The Plan Details sections displays information about the Current plans, Upcoming plans and the Expired plans.

Plan Details

  • It displays the below information:

    • Plan Name – Name of the plan.

    • Purchase Date – Date at which the plan was purchased.

    • Plan Start Date – Start date of plan.

    • Plan Expiry Date – Date at which the plan will expire.

    • Remaining Quota – Remaining value of plan quota.

    • Click View Session Details icon under the Action column to expand the Device table that contains the device details such as IP Address, MAC Address, Host Name, Site Name, Quota Used.

    • Duration – Validity of plan after the plan starts.

    • Assigned Quota – Maximum amount of data user can consume using the plan.

Add Top-Up

  • Click Plus icon to add a Top-up. The Top-up your plan dialog box opens.

Top-up plan

  • Enter the Top-up Quota and select the unit from the dropdown menu (MB/GB).

  • Click Proceed button to save the changes.

  • Top-up on a plan cannot be more than the quota of the plan.

Reset Daily Limit

Click Reset Daily Limit icon to reset the daily limit. Once the daily limits are exhausted, admin can reset the daily limits. This option is disabled for users with no plan or users with plan which does not have daily limits.

Reset Password

Click Reset Password icon to reset the password of the user. This option is disabled for the users created by admin but will be available for self-signed up users.

  • In few scenarios, the users might forget their password and also forget the answers for the their security questions.

  • In those scenarios, the user can request the admin to reset their account passwords. Refer section Request Reset Password in the CAN User Portal Configuration page for more information on requesting password reset.

  • When an user requests the admin to reset their password, the Reset Password icon is highlighted as shown below for the Admin in the Admin Portal.

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Reset Password

  • The admin can click this button to reset the password of the corresponding user.

  • The user will receive the below email once admin resets the password.

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Password Reset Successful

  • After receiving the email, the user must open their Captive portal, enter their email address and click Reset Password button again.

  • The user can now set a new password.

Enable/Disable Account

Click Toggle button to enable or disable the user account. If disabled, user will not be able to login to the User Portal and if already logged in, user will be logged out of the Portal immediately.

Download Session report

Click Download Session Report icon to download the session report of all the devices of the user.

  • Enter the Start Date and End Date to generate the session report.

  • Click Generate PDF button. The session report for the given dates is downloaded as a PDF file.

Delete User

Click Delete icon to delete the user.

View User Details

Click User Details icon to view the user details. This option is only available for self-signed up users. The admin can only view the details of self-signed up users. They cannot edit any of the user details.

Select Multiple User

  • Select the checkbox on the left of the User credentials to select multiple user accounts.

Select Multiple Users

  • Select the checkbox on the left of the User credentials heading to select all the user accounts.

  • Once the user selects a user account, these four icons become available.

Operations On Multiple Users

  • Using this feature, user can do operations such as Reset Password, Restart Plan, Reset Daily Quota and Add Top-up on all the selected user accounts at the same time.

  • Click Reset Password icon to reset the password of the selected users. Next time the user tries to login into the User Portal with their credentials, a pop-up to reset the password will appear.

  • Click Restart Plan icon to restart the plans of the selected users. When this is selected, the data usage, remaining quota and remaining daily limits of the user will be reset and the plan will start from the beginning. If user is logged in, then the user will be logged out and will shave to login again.

  • Click Reset Daily Quota icon to reset the daily quota of the selected users.

  • Click Add Top-up icon to add a Top-up for the selected users. The Top-up plan dialog box opens.

Top-up Plan

  • Enter the Top-up Quota and select the unit from the dropdown menu (MB/GB).

  • Click Proceed button to save the changes.

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