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The Tickets screen provides a summary of all the tickets raised organization-wide. Tickets screen can be accessed by selecting the Tickets option from the left menu bar of Kognitive Cloud.

  • In the Organization field, select the Organization or sub-organization from the dropdown menu. The logged in admin Organization is populated by default here. This is the organization corresponding to the email ID used to login.

  • The dropdown list consists of all the sub-organizations under logged in admin organization.

  • In the Sites field, select the required sites from the dropdown menu. The dropdown menu consists of all the sites associated with the selected Organization and sub-organizations.

  • Select the Period if necessary.

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  • The Tickets table shows the list of all the tickets of the selected Organization. It also shows the following information:

    • Ticket ID - Unique ID of the ticket

    • Site - Name of the Site

    • Subject - Subject given for the ticket

    • Created On - Date and time of creation

    • Creator - Name of the person that created the ticket

    • Assignee - Name of the Assignee

    • Priority - Priority level of the ticket

    • Updated On - Date and time of updating the ticket

    • Status - Status of the ticket

  • Click Download to download the table data in CSV format.

  • Click the Filters button to view the filtering options.

    • The user can select options such as:

      • Unassigned

      • Hot Sites

      • Raised less than 24h ago

      • Critical

      • Standup

      • My Tickets

      • RMA

    • User can filter the tickets based on their Status:

      • Open

      • Closed

      • Reopened

      • On Hold

      • Escalated

      • Resolved

    • User can select the name of the Assignee from the dropdown menu and filter the tickets assigned to them.

    • User can also select the name of the Creator from the dropdown menu and filter the tickets created by them.

    • Click Apply Filter to filter and view the required tickets.

Create a New Ticket

  • Click Create a New Ticket button to create a new ticket.


Create a New Ticket

  • Click the VSAT field and select one of the following options:

    • Upgrade / Downgrade

    • Slow / No Service

    • Modem

    • Antenna

    • Others

  • Click the Cellular field and select one of the following options:

    • Upgrade / Downgrade

    • Slow / No Service

    • Modem

    • Antenna

    • Others

  • Click the KaaS field and select one of the following options:

    • Server SW

    • Mobile APP

    • Outbound Calls

    • Inbound Calls

    • Others

  • Click the Billing field and select one of the following options:

    • Invoicing

    • Payment

    • Others

  • Click the Others field and select one of the following options:

    • Network Issues

    • LAN

    • WI-FI

    • AV

    • Others

  • Select the name of the required Site from the Vessel field.

  • Select the name of the Assignee from the dropdown menu.

  • Enter the Subject.

  • Select the Event Date.

  • Enter the Description.

  • Select and upload any required images or screenshots.

  • Click Send Ticket to create the ticket.

  • Click Cancel button to cancel the operation.

  • Click Clear All button to clear all the entered fields.

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