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Starlink - Usage

  • Click Usage tab from the Starlink screen to open the Usage section.

  • Select the Period from the dropdown menu. The available options are Last 1 Hour, Last 6 Hours, Last 12 Hours, Last 1 Day, Last 7 Days and Last 30 Days.

  • The user can also select a custom date and time interval using the From and To fields.

  • The screen shows a bar chart depicting the data consumption of the different Service Lines for each day of the selected time interval.

The users that use an Edge device in tandem with their Starlink device can see data from their User Terminals in the Usage screen automatically.

The users that do not have an Edge device will have to subscribe to the Starlink Subscription model to view data from their User Terminals. Please refer section Starlink Subscription in the Starlink - Admin page for more details on enabling subscription on the Service Lines.

Usage Tab

  • Hover the cursor at any point on the chart to view the amount of data used by that Service Line at that time instance.

Usage Pop-up

  • The table below the bar chart shows the list of all Service lines associated with the organization and the amount data consumed by them.

  • It shows the following information:

    • Service Line – Name of the Service Lines associated with the selected organization.

    • Organization – Name of the Organization that the Service Line belongs to.

    • Sub Organization - Name of the Sub Organization.

    • Service Plan – Name of the Service Plan linked with the Service Line.

    • Billing Usage – The amount of data consumed in the current billing cycle. The percentage of data consumed out of the total plan quota is shown in brackets.

      • If there are multiple types data consumption in any Service Line, it will be denoted by the image-20240416-111419.png icon in the Billing Usage column. Hover the cursor over the image-20240416-111507.png icon to view the types of data consumption and the amount of data consumed.

    • Billing Date – Next billing date.

    • Chart Usage – The total amount of data consumed between the selected time interval.

    • Quota Status – Status of Quota usage.

31 (1)-20240416-111054.png

Usage Table


Billing Usage - Split

  • Select the checkbox given to the left of the Service Line Name to view only the data consumption of the selected Service Lines in the bar chart.

Select Service Lines

  • Hover the cursor over the i icon to view more details about the Service Line such as Service Line Number, Account Number, Account Name, Billing Day of Month, Starlink ID, KIT Number and Active Status.

Info Button

  • The Search field can be used to search for the Service Lines based on the Service Line Name/Organization/Starlink ID/KIT Number.

  • Click Export button to download the information in the Usage table in excel format.

  • Click Quota button to set Quota alerts for the service lines. The Set Quota Alert dialog box opens.

Set Quota Alert

  • Select the Service Line name from the dropdown menu.

  • Enter the percentage of data consumption at which the alert must be sent.

  • In the Notification field, select the checkbox of medium to send the notification. The options available are Email and Microsoft Teams.

  • In the Send To (Via Email) field, select the Email address from the dropdown menu or enter a new email address.

  • Click Save.

  • Now when the usage reaches the given percentage, a notification will be sent to the given Email address and the Teams channel stating details about the data consumption.

  • Click the Items per page dropdown given below the table to change the number of Service Lines displayed in one page. The user can choose between 10/25/50/100 from the dropdown menu.

  • The pagination helps the user navigate to the next page by using the < > buttons or click the dropdown menu and select the intended page.

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