Generated Reports
Click the Generate Report button in the Activity tab to generate the Activity Reports in PDF format.
Generate Report
Also, if the user selects a date range of more than 7 days to view activity reports, they will be asked to Generate Reports and view the data.
Select the Start Date and Start Time using the date picker and the clock.
Select the End Date and End Time using the date picker and the clock.
Select the Organization from the dropdown menu.
Select the Site from the dropdown menu.
Select the MAC/IP from the dropdown menu. This field is optional.
Select the Application Category from the dropdown menu. This field is optional.
Select the Application from the dropdown menu. This field is optional.
Select the VLAN from the dropdown menu. This field is optional.
The reports can be downloaded in CSV format also. To do so, select the Detailed Flow Report checkbox.
Click Generate button to start generating the report.
Click the Generated Reports tab from the Reports page to view the status of the generated report.

Generated Reports Tab
The Generated Reports tab shows a table that lists all the reports generated from the Activity Reports screen. It shows information such as Serial Number, User Name, User Email, Date Range, Generated At, Metadata, Status, Report Type, Summary and Flow Report.
The status of the generated report would be shown as ‘INPROGRESS’ when the report is being generated.
Once the report generation process is complete, the status changes to ‘COMPLETED’ and the Download button under the Summary column gets enabled.
Click Download button under the Summary column to download the Activity Report in PDF format.
If the user had selected the Detailed Flow Report checkbox while generating the report, the Download link under the Flow Report column will also be enabled.
Click Download button under the Flow Report column to download the Detailed Activity Report in CSV format