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How To: Save a Configuration and Apply it to a New Device

Keywords: Kognitive Cloud, Configuration, Default Configuration, Manual Backup Configuration, Apply Configuration

1 How To Save a Default Configuration

Default configuration for the devices can be created from the CM (Configuration Management) tab of the Inventory screen. The Default Configuration can be applied to any new device added to the Organization. The user can configure a Default Configuration for the specific system type and it can be applied to the device during registration.

Follow the below steps to create a Default Configuration:

  • Select Inventory from the left menu bar in the Kognitive Cloud homepage.

  • Select CM tab.

default config-20240209-084232.png

Figure 1 Configuration Management (CM)

  • Click Create Default Configuration button. The Create Default Configuration pop-up opens.

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Figure 2 Create Default Configuration

  • Enter the Name of the Default Configuration.

  • In the Set Active field, select Yes to apply this configuration by default to the new devices added to the organization.

  • In the Select Product column, select the type of device from the dropdown menu.

  • In the Select Config column, select the required configuration to be set up as Default Configuration. The manual backup configurations saved by the user will be available as options in the dropdown menu.

  • The details of the selected configuration is displayed in the Selected Config Details column.

  • Click Create button to create the Default Configuration.

2 How to Save a Manual Configuration

The Manual Backup Configurations can be created from the Deployed tab of the Inventory screen. The manual backup configurations can be applied to other devices when required. These Configurations can also be used to create the Default Configuration for the devices.

  • Select Inventory screen from the left menu bar in the Kognitive Cloud homepage.

  • The Deployed tab is selected by default. The table shows the current list of devices that are deployed in the selected organization or sub-organization.

  • Click the Download Configuration icon from the Action column to save a manual backup of the current configuration of the selected device.


Figure 3 Deployed Tab

  • The Download Configuration pop-up opens.

    • It shows the Site name and Device name.

    • Enter the Config Name.

    • Click Download Now.

    • The backup of the configuration will be saved under the Backup Configuration table in the CM screen.

    • Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

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Figure 4 Download Configuration

3 How to Apply the Configuration to a New Device During Registration

The configurations can be applied to the new devices added to the organization during registration process. The registration of new devices can be done from the Warehouse tab of the Inventory screen.

  • Select Inventory screen from the left menu bar in the Kognitive Cloud homepage.

  • Select Warehouse tab. The list of all available devices is shown in the table.

  • To register a device to an Organization and Site, click the Register button. The Register Inventory dialog box opens.

register inventory-20240208-143136.png

Figure 5 Apply Default Configuration

  • In the Select Organization field, select the required organization from the dropdown menu.

  • In the Create/Search Site field, type the name of the required site.

  • Select the site from the list of existing sites in the system.

  • To add a new Site, enter the name of the site and click Add.

  • This will create a new site and assign the device to that site.

  • Select the Term from the dropdown menu.

  • In the Apply Default Config field, select the Yes radio button to apply the default configuration for that site.

  • Select the Other radio button to select any configuration from the list of available Manual Backup Configurations taken and stored by the user.

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Figure 6 Apply Backup Configuration

  • In the Select Configuration field, select the required configuration from the dropdown menu. The names of the configuration saved by the user will be displayed in the dropdown menu.

  • Click Register button to assign the device to the selected site.

  • Once assigned, the device gets moved from the Warehouse tab and is displayed under the Deployed tab.

4 How To Check the Status of Configuration Restoration

After applying the configuration, the status of the operation can be viewed in the Logs tab of the Inventory screen.

  • Select Inventory from the left menu bar in the Kognitive Cloud homepage.

  • Select the Logs tab. This tab shows the status of configuration restoring operations and also EOS Upgrade operations.

  • The three types of status are:

    • Applied

    • In progress

    • Failed. In case of failed, click Retry icon to retry applying the configuration.


Figure 7 Logs

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