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How To: Manually Upgrade Software on a EdgeServer Device from the Backend

This guide provides a step-by-step process to manually upgrade the software on the EdgeServer device using SSH. Ensure to follow each step carefully to avoid any issues during the upgrade process.

Step 1: SSH into the K4 Device

  1. Open your terminal or SSH client.

  2. Connect to the K4 device using the following credentials:

               ssh k4admin@localhost –p <port>

  1. When prompted, enter the password:

               Password: <k4admin password>

  1. To switch to root privileges, use the following command:

                su -

  1. Enter the root password when prompted:

               Password: <super user password>

Step 2: Create a New Folder in the /data Directory

  1. Create a new folder in the /data directory to store the new software file. Run the following commands:

               mkdir /data/new_software_folder
               cd /data/new_software_folder

Step 3: Connect to the Logserver to Download the Software

  1. Use the sftp command to connect to the logserver and download the latest software:

               sftp -P 60073 logxfer@

  1. When prompted, enter the following password:

               Password: L0gK4xf3r209!

  1. Navigate to the images directory and download the latest software file:

               cd images
               get k4_update_installer_*LATEST_BUILD*_prod.tar.gz

  1. Once the download is complete, exit the logserver by typing:


Step 4: Install the Software

  1. Extract the downloaded software file by running:

               tar xvzf k4_update_installer_*LATEST_BUILD*_prod.tar.gz

  1. Change to the installer directory:

               cd k4_installer_prod_upgrade/

  1. Start the installation process in a screen session to ensure it continues even if the SSH connection is interrupted:

               ./ silent sda prod upgrade
The software will now be installed. Please wait until the installation completes.

Step 5: Reboot the System

  1. Once the installation is complete, reboot the system by running:


The K4 device will restart with the new software version installed.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure Stable Network Connectivity:

    • It is critical to have a stable connection during the upgrade process, especially during the download and installation steps.

  • Monitor the Installation:

    • The installation might take some time. Do not interrupt the process once started.

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