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Alerts - Config (Organization level configuration)

The Alerts - Config tab in the Alerts screen shows the configuration of all the Alerts set in the system and also allows the user to change the configuration of the Alerts for the selected organization.

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Alerts - Config

  • In the Organization field, select the Organization or sub-organization from the dropdown menu. The logged in admin Organization is populated by default here. This is the organization corresponding to the email ID used to login.

  • The dropdown list consists of all the sub-organizations under logged in admin organization.

  • Select the required Period.

  • At the top of the page, the user can see the configurations for the three primary alerts set for the organization. These alerts are:

    • Link Availability

    • Internet Status

    • Login Attempt

Let us look at these alert configurations in detail:

Link Availability

The Link Availability alert notifies the user if the WAN Interfaces are not active i.e. if the availability percentage goes below the threshold value.

  • Expand the Link Availability row to view the configuration of the alert.


Link Availability

  • The WAN types available are listed on the left.

  • The alert is raised and closed depending upon the entry rules and exit rules configured.

  • The alert moves to Alerting status when the entry rule is satisfied and the alert changes to Normal status when the exit rule is satisfied. This holds true for all types of alerts.

  • Enter the Entry Duration (in min) and the Entry Threshold %.

  • Enter the Exit Duration (in min) and the Exit Threshold %.

  • Now the system will check the internet availability of the WAN interfaces periodically.

  • If the Link Availability of any of the interfaces goes below the given Entry Threshold % and remains lesser than Entry Threshold % for the amount of time specified in Entry Duration, the alert will be raised.

  • After the alert moves to Alerting status, the system starts checking for the exit conditions periodically. The notification about the alert will be sent to the preconfigured communication channels.

  • If the Link Availability goes above the given Exit Threshold % and remains higher than Exit Threshold % for the amount of time specified in Exit Duration, the alert changes to Normal status.

  • Click the Delete image-20240606-181947.png icon to delete the alert configuration of the corresponding interface.

  • Click the Notification image-20240606-181756.png icon to mute the notifications sent to the communication channels but continue to track the alert.

  • Click the Toggle image-20240606-182033.png button to stop tracking the alert.

  • Click Add image-20240606-182120.png icon to add a new interface.

  • Click Update button to save the changes.

Internet Status

The Internet Status alert notifies the user if the internet access is not active in all the WAN interfaces.

  • Expand the Internet Status row to view the configuration of the alert.


Internet Status

  • The alert is raised and closed depending upon the entry rules and exit rules configured.

  • The alert moves to Alerting status when the entry rule is satisfied and the alert changes to Normal status when the exit rule is satisfied. This holds true for all types of alerts.

  • Enter the Entry Duration (in min).

  • Enter the Exit Duration (in min).

  • Now the system will check the internet status of the WAN interfaces periodically.

  • If the internet status of all the interfaces goes down and remains down for the amount of time specified in Entry Duration, the alert will be raised.

  • After the alert moves to Alerting status, the system starts checking for the exit conditions periodically. The notification about the alert will be sent to the preconfigured communication channels.

  • If the internet status of any of the interfaces comes back online and remains online for the amount of time specified in Exit Duration, the alert changes to Normal status.

  • Click the Notification image-20240606-181756.png icon to mute the notifications sent to the communication channels but continue to track the alert.

  • Click the Toggle image-20240606-182033.png button to stop tracking the alert.

  • Click Update button to save the changes.

Login Attempt

The Login Attempt alert notifies the user if there is a suspicious amount of failed login attempts within a set time period.

  • Expand the Login Attempt row to view the configuration of the alert.


Login Attempt

  • Enter the Login Attempt Count.

  • Enter the Duration (in min).

  • This alert moves to Alerting status when the user enters the wrong login credentials more times than the Login Failure Count with the set Duration.

  • Click the Notification image-20240606-181756.png icon to mute the notifications sent to the communication channels but continue to track the alert.

  • Click the Toggle image-20240606-182033.png button to stop tracking the alert.

  • Click Update button to save the changes.

Logs Table

The Logs table shows the list of all alert activities done by the system.

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Logs Table

The table shows the following information:

  • Time Stamp - Date and time of the alert activity

  • User - Userame of the user

  • Organization - Name of the organization

  • Description - A short description of the alert

  • Resource - States whether it was a organization level alert / Site level alert

  • Action - The type of action

  • IP Address - IP Address of the user

  • Click the Expand image-20240606-192452.pngicon to view the Metadata.

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